Monday, April 23, 2007


A great friend of mine has been putting on a playdate once a month and invites many moms with young children to the town hall in her town. A morning for the moms to chat and for the kids to play. I always had something going on but was finally able to make it to her last one. I was able to get a photo of each child except for one, he was one of the youngest there being just a couple months old. This keeps my promise to all the moms that I would post some pictures, I hope you enjoy them. I had a great time and it was so nice to meet some new moms as well as the familar faces I hadn't seen in awhile. Thanks Lindsay, I hope you are able to continue these. You are an amazing gal with a lot of HEART.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Paula, Thanks so much for taking pictures at the play day! Wow, just looking at the action in the pictures reminds me how much fun the kids had that day!

We'll do it again soon!
