Friday, December 28, 2007

A celebration of 68 years

These two lovely people are my grandparents who I admire with all my heart. Today is their 68th wedding anniversary and I know in those 68 years they have not spent many days or nights apart. Until recently Papa had to move to a seperate care home because his level of care was higher than that of Gramma's. Gramma couldn't go because...well she is just too darn healthy (at 94 years of age). I can't describe my anger and disappointment in our government about this subject. After 68 years of marriage they were told they couldn't live together anymore. Papa's memory lies in the hands of Gramma and without her with him he forgets things in the matter of a second. In order to be together they had to move to another town nearby to a facility that had two seperate rooms for them. 68 years of marriage should be a celebration and illegal to seperate two people that share the love for one another that these two do. The best news I got this year was when my mom called and said they were moving Papa and Gramma to Kinistino so they would be together and when they did mom said Papa wouldn't let "Ma" out of his sight and had a hand on her knee the whole day. It made me smile!
Congratulations on your 68th wedding anniversary Papa and Big Gramma, I love you both!


Anonymous said...

YOU have touched many hearts with the pictures you have captured,the expressions you have shared,the love which has surfaced from these creations has brought tears to my eyes as you display the love you have for family ,especially - your grandparents-the love they have for each other is endless-so wonderful,thanks for being such a great friend and family -calla

Anonymous said...

Paula, i loved what you said about your grandparents it was really beautiful. Your story was very touching!!! Monique