Monday, November 19, 2007

Kevin, Carla & Kyler...Family

Yet another sweet little man to capture, Kyler is approaching the 2 month mark. Already so bright eyed and curious about his world around him. I was lucky to join this family today and capture some memories of Kyler and his mom and dad. Carla and Kevin are in the process of building a new home and they are staying with Carla's parents until it is finished. What a great team they all are and all for this little life that has so much love surrounding him. He was quite a trooper, going through wardrobe changes and some dirty diapers he never missed a beat when the camera started snapping. Thank you for having me over today, it was such a pleasure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Paula,
These first few pics look awesome--just a taste. We can't wait to see them all.
Thanks again for spending the day with us!
Carla and Kevin