Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I was lucky enough to spend a little time with one of my big sista's about a month ago in Calgary. We had an amazing time although not long enough, we did make the most of our time together and shop, shop shopped! Can't wait to see ya at x-mas Jill, thanks for the time together.
Click on the link below to see a slideshow of these pics.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Kevin, Carla & Kyler...Family

Yet another sweet little man to capture, Kyler is approaching the 2 month mark. Already so bright eyed and curious about his world around him. I was lucky to join this family today and capture some memories of Kyler and his mom and dad. Carla and Kevin are in the process of building a new home and they are staying with Carla's parents until it is finished. What a great team they all are and all for this little life that has so much love surrounding him. He was quite a trooper, going through wardrobe changes and some dirty diapers he never missed a beat when the camera started snapping. Thank you for having me over today, it was such a pleasure.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Carlene & Greg....engagement

What an awesome couple to spend a couple hours with. Carlene and Greg are such fun and we had nothing but great laughs the whole photo shoot. They are so comfortable around each other and that made for some awesome shots and it doesn't hurt that they are both HOT. I am looking forward to shooting their wedding next year I am sure it will be a tonne of fun. Thanks guys for making the trek from Prince Albert across some Saskatchewan roads to meet with me.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Edwards Family

I had the privilege of meeting Hunter for the first time the other day and it is crazy how sweet he is. No matter what angle we had him in he was still smilin'. The weather was amazing for a Nov. day so we were even able to venture outside for a bit. I think it was the first time Hunter and one of their dogs had met, they both seemed to like each other. At the end of the shoot he fell asleep in my arms, he just can't be any cuter than he already is. Thanks Angie and Sean for having me out to your home I had a wonderful time and can't wait to see Hunter again.

A typical mother/son relationship.......
And a typical father/son relationship.

AAhhhh! Nothing more peaceful than a sleeping baby!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Natasha, MacKenzie &

Being around Natasha again brought back so many memories of our school days and how laid back and free of worry we once were. Natasha still has that great smile she always had and a warm heart. She has raised two of the coolest kids. MacKenzie, oh so camera shy (yeah right), She loved getting her photo taken just about as much as I did taking it. BraYden, the look in his eyes tells you everything. He made me giggle. At the end of the shoot he looked at me and said "I'm Done!" We all met up in Humbolt where Natasha's mom and dad live and so I had the privilege of snapping a few of them as well. Thank you Natasha, it was so great to see you again..keep in touch.


The Macleod'

This was a great family to spend some time with. I knew Lesliann and Bryce back in high school and I think I can remember when the news went around that they were dating. And just a few years later..well they have been busy! 4 awesome kids, all with their own personalities. This family reminded me how great it is to be surrounded by people you love.
Thanks for the opportunity guys, I had a wonderful time.

The Lee'

It was so great to see the Lee's on my visit to Calgary a few weeks ago. Marnie (mom) is my cousin, growing up her family and mine were very close. They all live in Alberta now so our get togethers are sadly, few and far between. My sister now lives in Calgary so she was along for our photo shoot. She was the greatest assistant I could have had, she kept everyone laughing including the people who passed by with her crazy antics of jumping around and singing. Mckenna and Adam were utterly sweet and always happy. Thank you Marnie, Manfred, McKenna and Adam for the time we got spend together.